miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Sistema en PHP

After working on designing and implementing a system that *could* be used within universities, or similar, I've developed the application to a point where it is probably time to share it.

I wrote a blog post the other day : http://coursedata.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/2012/05/23/release-the-badges/ 'announcing' the system, the code for which is available on Github https://github.com/lncd/Badges. A previous blog post loosely describing the design process can be found here: http://coursedata.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/2012/04/25/designing-an-badge-system-for-universities/

As I discuss in the blog post, its by no means a finished product, but I will continue to work on it, fixing and adding elements to it. The code itself is by no means perfect, as the scope of the application has changed that many times through the development cycle that the code has got, at best, a little bit messy. I've already had a quick review of one of the model files, removing pointless functions and replace multiple similar functions with one function that serves all of the requirements. I'll continue to do this until the code is at a decent standard, but this particular implementation is meant as nothing more than a prototype with which to trial the process and concept of awarding badges.

As I'm writing this, the documentation on Github is a little sparse, but it is my intention to work on the documentation over the next day or so to get it to a reasonable level.

I think that we may trial the application on a small scale around September, although we're yet to decide how best to trial it. Comments welcome.


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